Kern 1.1.0
A Parser Combinators Library.
To install, add the following dependency to your project or build file:
[org.blancas/kern "1.1.0"]
The core Kern library.
Public variables and functions:
- *tab-width*
- ->PError
- ->PMessage
- ->PPosition
- ->PState
- <$>
- <*>
- <+>
- <:>
- <<
- <?>
- <|>
- >>
- >>=
- alpha-num
- any-char
- between
- bind
- char-seq
- clear-empty
- dec-num
- def-
- defn*
- digit
- end-by
- end-by1
- eof
- expect
- expecting
- f->s
- fail
- failed-empty?
- field*
- float-num
- fwd
- get-input
- get-position
- get-state
- hex-digit
- hex-num
- letter
- look-ahead
- lower
- many
- many-till
- many0
- many1
- map->PError
- map->PMessage
- map->PPosition
- map->PState
- mark
- member?
- modify-state
- new-line*
- none-of*
- not-followed-by
- oct-digit
- oct-num
- one-of*
- option
- optional
- parse
- parse-data
- parse-data-file
- parse-file
- predict
- print-error
- put-state
- reply
- return
- run
- run*
- runf
- runf*
- satisfy
- search
- sep-by
- sep-by1
- sep-end-by
- sep-end-by1
- set-input
- set-position
- skip
- skip-many
- skip-many1
- skip-ws
- space
- split
- split-on
- sym*
- sym-
- tab
- times
- token*
- token-
- unexpected
- unexpected-input
- upper
- value
- white-space
- word*
- word-
Support for the evaluation of expressions.
The Kern Lexer library.
Public variables and functions:
- ->LanguageDef
- ->TokenParsers
- angles
- basic-def
- bool-lit
- braces
- brackets
- c-style
- char-lit
- colon
- comma
- comma-sep
- comma-sep1
- dec-lit
- dot
- field
- float-lit
- haskell-style
- hex-lit
- identifier
- java-style
- lexeme
- make-parsers
- map->LanguageDef
- map->TokenParsers
- new-line
- nil-lit
- none-of
- oct-lit
- one-of
- parens
- semi
- semi-sep
- semi-sep1
- shell-style
- space-ascii
- string-lit
- sym
- token
- trim
- with-parsers
- word
The Kern Basic Lexer library.
The Kern C-style Lexer library.
The Kern Haskell-style Lexer library.
The Kern Java-style Lexer library.
The Kern Shell-style Lexer library.